05 February 2024
The Heritage Foundation (“Fondation du Patrimoine“) and the Marais Poitevin Regional Natural Park are launching a unique initiative to support the iconic landscape of the Marais Poitevin: a puzzle, the proceeds from which will contribute to our tree replanting program for the region.
This initiative adds to the actions already implemented with the Heritage Foundation (“Fondation du Patrimoine”) and follows the arrival of a disease affecting ash trees: ash dieback. For several years, the Park has launched a replanting program for species that can be pollarded, helping to preserve the landscape of the wet marshes. 400,000 ash trees need to be replaced, and to date, 20,000 trees have been planted (an average of 5,000 per year). The collaboration with the Heritage Foundation helps multiply the necessary resources to continue and expand planting projects, as the challenge is significant!
Puzzle “The Pollard Trees of the Marais Poitevin.”
500 pieces | Sale price: €28
Where to buy it?